Book Newspaper Ads In Amar Ujala Newspaper!

Book Display Ads In Amar Ujala Newspaper!


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Book Newspaper Ads In Amar Ujala Newspaper!


Amar Ujala advertisement rates

Amar Ujala Display Advertisement rates in Agra start from ₹ 1575 sqcm

Amar Ujala Display Advertisement rates in Meerat start from ₹ 1212 sqcm

Get Amar Ujala display Advertisement rates, resonable Amar Ujala advertisement rates also Check here latest Amar Ujala Classified Rate Card, Amar Ujala ad rate, Amar Ujala Display Rate Card, Amar Ujala Obituary Rate Card, Amar Ujala Matrimonial Ad Rate Card Amar Ujala Travel Ad Rate Card, Amar Ujala Property Ad Rate Card

Amar Ujala Classified Ad Rates

Rates for Amar Ujala Classified Advertisement w.e.f. 1st December, 2023

All The Ad Rates are in per Sq Cm.
Editions Min words 25 word Ad Rates (Rs.) Extra per word Ad Rates (Rs.) Classified Display Ad Rates (Rs.)
Color B/W
Agra 25 1230 35 439 381
Meerat 25 984 40 345 300
Barailly 25 942 30 - 259
Moradabad 25 957 30 - 232
Aligarh 25 629 25 - 142
Kanpur 25 1233 40 354 308
Lucknow 25 1010 40 532 463
Jhansi 25 271 15 - 151
Varansi 25 842 40 - 364
Allahabad 25 897 25 - 280
Gorakhpur 25 645 25 - 195
Deharadun 25 957 30 - 273
Nainital 25 711 25 - 218
New Delhi 25 1052 30 454 412
Chandigarh 25 341 30 - 157
Jalandar 25 560 30 - 157
Jammu 25 245 30 - 131
Dharmshala 25 505 30 - 151
Rohtak 25 300 30 175 125
Note:The above tariff may have changed. Please call us and confirm the rates before proceeding.
newspaper advertisement

What is Amar Ujala Ad Rates?

Cost Of Amar Ujala News paper Advertisement depends on color, location, size, placement, edition.

Advertisement In Amar Ujala Newspaper is very easy , just fill the advertisement details in form or just call to our assistant at 67704000.

Amar Ujala Newspaper Advertisement Rates starts from 250 to 15 lakhs depend on your advertisement format and city you choose, also the placement in Amar Ujala newspaper like front page, Amar Ujala todays, and classified page.

Newspaper advertising rates are quoted per square cm. The rate of discount on newspaper cards depends on the size of the ad, inserts and product category.

The rates depends on placement in Amar Ujala Newspaper like Advertising in Amar Ujala on Front Page, Back Page or Page 3 have more cost than classified section.

The option of placing your advertisement in Amar Ujala Newspaper will mean you pay less. At Riyoadvertising you will get more discount to publish your ad in Amar Ujala Newspaper. You can check above Amar Ujala Ads Rate in detail.

So to check rates for Amar Ujala advertisement Click here

Amar Ujala Classified Ad Rate in Agra 25 word Ad Rate rs. 1230, AND Extra word Ad Rate rs. 35, Classified Display Color Ad Rate rs. 439, B/W Ad Rate rs. 381.

Amar Ujala Display Ad Rate in Agra Display Base Ad Rate B&W rs. 1575, AND Front page ad Rate Color rs. 3150, AND Back Page Ad Rate Color rs. 2126.

Amar Ujala Public / Tender Notice Ad Rate in Agra Basic Color rate 1733, B/W rs. 1418.

How to book online Advertisement in Amar Ujala Newspaper?

We are happy to help you. You can share your advertisement requirements with us by Email / WhatsApp and our Riyo Representative will give you a quote instantly, once you approve we will release the advertisement in The Goan Everyday newspapers.

For Appointment Ads, kindly share your content on our email id or WhatsApp 9821984000, we will share your sample first, once you approve we will release appointment ads in Time of India.

You will received softcopy by Email of your advertisement.

What Discount is giving for Advertising in Amar Ujala Newspaper?

There are diffrent discounts and offer on packages for Amar Ujala Newspaper.

Kindly speak with our assistant on 9821984000 for exact Discount available for Amar Ujala Newspaper.

What are Ad Rates In Amar Ujala Newspaper?

Amar Ujala Display, Classified, Public Notice Ad rates.

  • Amar Ujala Classified Ad Rate in Agra 25 word Ad Rate rs. 1230, AND Extra word Ad Rate rs. 35, Classified Display Color Ad Rate rs. 439, B/W Ad Rate rs. 381.
  • Amar Ujala Display Ad Rate in Agra Display Base Ad Rate B&W rs. 1575, AND Front page ad Rate Color rs. 3150, AND Back Page Ad Rate Color rs. 2126.
  • Amar Ujala Public / Tender Notice Ad Rate in Agra Basic Color rate 1733, B/W rs. 1418.
  • Amar Ujala Classified Ad Rate in Meerat 25 word Ad Rate rs. 984, AND Extra word Ad Rate rs. 40, Classified Display Color Ad Rate rs. 345, B/W Ad Rate rs. 300.
  • Amar Ujala Display Ad Rate in Meerat Display Base Ad Rate B&W rs. 1212, AND Front page ad Rate Color rs. 2424, AND Back Page Ad Rate Color rs. 1636.
  • Amar Ujala Public / Tender Notice Ad Rate in Meerat Basic Color rate 1212, B/W rs. 1333.

I would like to place Display Color ads in Amar Ujala, kindly share the advertisement sizes options ?

There are lot of different sizes are available. The Minimum size for Display ads in Amar Ujalaare as follows: 4 Cm Width X 5 Cm Height = 20 Square Cm, 10 Cm Width X 10 Cm Height = 100 Sq cm, 12 Cm Width X 20 Cm height =240 Square Cm (Quarter Page Ad in Amar Ujala), 25 Cm Width X 16 Cm height = 400 Square Cm ( Half Page ad in Amar Ujala).

Which is the Best Day to Publish an Ad in Amar Ujala Newspaper?

If you are looking for recruitment ads in Amar Ujala Newspaper all days are good for getting Response from Public Notice, Display, Classified Recruitment Ads. Speak once to our team so we can guide you a better way at 9821984000.

Amar Ujala Ad Rates

Amar Ujala is a Hindi-language daily newspaper published in India. It has 19 editions in seven states and one union territory covering 167 districts from agra, meerut, bareillly, Moradabad, Aligarh, Kanpur, lucknow, Jhansi, Varanasi, Allahabad, Gorakhpur, dehradun, nanital, new delhi, Chandigarh, jalandhar, jammu & Kashmir, Dharamsala, Rohtak and states from Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana and New Delhi. It has a circulation of around two million copies.

Amar Ujala was founded in Agra in 1948 and publishes a 16 to 18 page issue daily and also supplements on matters such as careers, lifestyle, entertainment and women.

book newspaper ad for amar-ujala newspaper

Riyo advertising agency accepts all types of advertisement for Amar Ujala Newspaper. Call us for Special packages & discounted ad rates on 022 6770 4000 / 022 67706500 / 9821984000 or email us on

Book Ads in Amar Ujala Newspaper :

Book Text Classified Ads in Amar Ujala Newspaper : Text ads of small sizes (Classifieds) can be booked with easy text style and some part of the text can be highlighted with bold or capital letters.

Book Display Classified Ads in Amar Ujala Newspaper: These ads have better visual effects to attract readers. It can have logos or other visuals supported by the text lines which can be booked in black and white or colour.

Obituaries ads in Amar Ujala Newspaper: Informing all your close relatives and friends about a recent death. Place your Obituary ads in Amar Ujala through Riyo advertising and Place the formation about the funeral.

Remembrance ads in Amar Ujala Newspaper: Must have lost a dear family member a year ago, or may be much earlier and wish to call for a gathering now. Well, place your remembrance ad in Amar Ujala Newspaper through Riyo advertising.

Matrimonial ad in Amar Ujala Newspaper: You can place your matrimony ads In Amar Ujala newspaper through Riyo advertising. Find the perfect match within your Marathi circle, advertise it a leading Marathi paper as this.

Name change ad in Amar Ujala Newspaper: For all of you who are looking to Change your name officially on any document like: a passport, a pancard, a driving license or any other documents, Relax! We at Riyo advertising have an Independent section to carry out the name change document work. We take care of the entire documentation and also Place your Change of name advertisement.

Your one-stop shop for all your advertising needs.

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